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We all know how quickly children grow and how expensive it can be – particularly when it comes to shoes.

Children need to be able to run around with their friends in the playground and sit in the classroom and concentrate.

They can’t do that if their shoes are too small and pinch their toes, let in the rain or are not sturdy enough for the job.

The Coventry Children’s Boot Fund has been working with schools in the city to provide well-fitting school shoes for more than a hundred years.

If you are a parent or guardian who is struggling financially you can apply through your child’s school for a voucher for a pair of school shoes from a designated shoe shop in the city.

There, your child’s feet will be measured to ensure they have the right fit and the right shoes. See our How It Works page for more information.

We provided almost six hundred pairs of shoes for city children last year. If we can help you then let your school know.

Meanwhile, if you are able to support us in any way please go to our donate page!/DonationDetails

Our mission is to make sure no child misses out on education because they don’t have a pair of well-fitting school shoes. Can you help?

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Help Coventry youngsters take that next step

Make a one-off or monthly payment to The Coventry Children’s Boot Fund. You can pay by card or using PayPal Donate.